Thursday, May 7, 2009

♥Sentiments of YhoRieck♥

Sentiments of YhoRieck is a new song that Yhorieck himself wrote. I, on the other hand, did some editing and stuff... but basically, the song is his. (You can find it in the playlist on the right side.)

It actually started when we were having this conversation on text about where we are right now, and we got engaged to discussing things like, our goals, our dream, plans, past,etc.

We got really sentimental during those exchange of texts, looking back when we were still in high school, the life and people we met after graduation, and how it changed us. Then some minutes passed, he didn't reply anymore. I wondered why, and right when I was about to text him again, this message from him came, followed by another, and another... after reading his last text, I was overwhelmed to find out that it was the lyrics to a song he just came up with for me! So I started writing it down, and excitedly put it together. I did a few revisions here and there, but I was so careful not to overdo it, coz I want his own style to stand out. It was really touching.

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